Audio Bible Teachers
The matriarchal family structure usually still exists in remote rural
areas of Africa, giving satan easy rule over the people through
discord, the absence of fathers in the lives of young children and
witchcraft. Christianity and civilization have hardly reached those
rural areas yet, so that life there has changed so very little.
African people are relational people as children seldom have had
a father who has been involved in their daily lives. It causes girls
as they grow up to be extremely relational and men to become
oriented more relational than capable of running businesses or
governments. It was also a problem in olden days of Israel, why
God spoke in Malachi 4 verses 5 and 6: “Watch now, I will send
you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the
Lord, and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children,
and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and
strike the earth with a curse.” Because African people are so
strongly relationally oriented, they are eager to get to know their
God and His will for their lives when given the opportunity, and
Father God is stopping their curse in time.
Most African prisons are rarely visited and
so, the 90% of inmates who come from remote rural areas have
remained isolated from their God, remembering only satanic
witchcraft influences in their lives. This is why Father God caused
Kees Hoek to focus on Audio Bible Teachers in prison-ministry so
that these ABTs could provide inmates with about two years of
teachings to get to know their heavenly Father. And now bringing
these ABTs into remote rural areas with only oral people, fills a
huge spiritual need. Now, for so many Africans “Faith comes by
hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”
The Audio Bible Teacher is a solar powered audio player, with
programming designed by Fatherhood Prison Ministries
Fellowship, and manufactured by Kivah, an NPO division of
Microtronix Mfg. of Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa. The player
has proprietary software and cannot be reprogrammed for other
Since 2012 the ABT has been provided for free in prisons and
remote rural areas of Africa. Inmate Jane from Zambia wrote:
“I have loved the Audio Bible Radio because it has helped me to
understand the Bible, since it is difficult to read the Bible page by
page. But as for the Audio Bible Teacher, I can listen to it through
hearing the voice, and where I am not clear, I usually rewind so
that I can understand more.”
A Chaplain from a Malawi prison wrote:
“Pastor, the introduction of those Audio Bible Teachers to the
prison has had many advantages for the prisoners: The good
understanding of the bible since it is in our local language for the
benefit of those illiterates. The introduction of study groups for
bible lesson discussion. The machines have user friendly
features, solar power / quick search of chapters, just to mention a
few things that don’t require much effort. Praise songs, and many
more that we did not have before the Audio Bible Teacher.”
*lessons only. There are other websites and apps for downloading bibles.